If you have any questions or you would like to order your RADIX report please contact us via email:astrologer@a-zodiac.comFREE GIFTWould you like to know more about your character? Do you know that the Body-Mind-Soul character triangle is hidden in your Radix horoscope? GET YOUR FREE GIFT UrlORDER YOUR BIRTH CHART - RADIX REPORT! RADIX is the basics of all the other horoscope analysis. It is the key map to understand someone's or something's Life path. We cannot take into account if you already have your RADIX report made by someone else, because we need to open up your personality and understand your character from the very beginning.Lot of people ask for their Radix first, than for their family members and friends.If the RADIX report is prepared by us there is a possibility to go further with Time horoscopes, Transit or Synastry reports.In order to give you a detailed analysis we need to work 4-6 hours with your puctual datas. That has a fee which we'll discuss via email. If you order a RADIX report and an additional horoscope we can offer you discount! So don't hesitate, get ready to get to know your Life Path and send us your datas! All fields are required! Than press SEND MESSAGE and get ready for an exciting journey! 🙂 First Name * Last name * Email address * Sex * Female Male Country * Date of birth * Please type in your date of birth in DD.MM.YYYY format. (Eg. 5th of January 1981 - 05.01.1981) Education level * Elementary School High school Bachelor degree Master degree Doctoral level Not elsewhere classified Profession * Place of birth * Country, City/Town Birth time * Please type in your time of birth include AM/PM Marital status * Single Married Separated Divorced Widowed