These horoscopes can be set up if Radix is already done. Solar means an actual forecast for one year from birthday to next year’s birthday. The base is the Sun’s degree at the time of birth conjuncts/connects with the Sun’s degree in the actual year. Shows the actual year’s problems, opportunities and threats in life-style, business situations and human relations.


Second half year of the given Solar. Starts at the opposite sign of Sun’s degree at the time of birth at the same degree. It can only work if the second half of the actual Solar has already started. Shows specifically the second half year’s map, actual problems, opportunities and threats in life-style, business situations and human relations.


Base is the Moon’s sign, degree in the actual Solar year. There are 13 Lunar month a year, each lasts for 28 days. Lunar forecast shows actual problems, opportunities and threats in life-style, business situations and human relations. It can be useful in case of planning a holiday, forecasting a result of an exam or renewing a flat.

When the Solar, Second Half Year Solar or the Lunar is complete we need to compare it to the Radix.

This means 2 horoscopes reports.

Each of these time horoscopes shows the actual possibilities, warnings and tasks for someone’s or something’s upcoming period of life.